Growing With Grooming: Essential Tips to Growing your Pet Grooming Business

Growing With Grooming: Essential Tips to Growing your Pet Grooming Business

Published November 13, 2023

As the pet industry continues to flourish and pet ownership rises, the role of a pet groomer or service provider takes on profound significance. With an ever-increasing number of pet owners seeking top-notch care for their beloved companions, the demand for skilled, passionate professionals in the field of pet grooming and services has never been higher. Building a career in this industry isn't just about washing and trimming animals; it's about providing a vital service that contributes to the health, well-being, and happiness of our furry friends. In this introduction, we'll explore the significance and opportunities for personal and professional growth within the realm of pet grooming and service provision. We sat down with Perry Quigley, owner of The Paw Wash located in Painesville, Ohio to discuss his journey in the pet industry and how he grew from his start, to where he is now.


Growing with grooming is essential:

Let us start off with saying I am absolutely astounded that I have been grooming dogs for 12 years. Crazy right? Not really. After years of patience, guidance, and plenty of mistakes. I have finally managed to get to the level of grooming that I've been waiting and working for. Hard work does pay off! When I hire a new or existing talent, I assure them that my system does not work for everyone. Yet with proper productivity, patience, and passion, you will find yourself becoming more successful in your grooming journey. The Paw Wash has always been a hub for people to have a home or place to go if needed. It requires hypervigilance, time management, and a good heart. There comes a point in every groomer's career where they need to grow and further their talents outside of my culture. Always as an ally, never as a competitor, our ceilings are infinite with the aid of collaboration and communication. I make it a point in my work to always help those around me become the best version of themselves. From pep talks, to hands-on assistance when necessary and appropriate. Pet care is life! So why force yourself to be tied down to a singular aspect of it? It would surely be unproductive and reserving, which is why not only as a business owner but as a groomer I can relate. How could one reduce their full potential by ?playing it safe? when there are numerous avenues and perspectives to explore outside of just the salon? Break your barriers, get out of your comfort zone, and explore the abilities you were blessed with.

When I started out as a groomer:

I had plentiful amounts of trials and tribulations. I worked for a steady high-volume salon. I was surrounded by so much talent; my level of talent did not feel sufficient. The stakes were high for me, which meant that it was then or never for me and my grooming career. College passed me by and certain opportunities that were once my dreams slipped away, I grieved that path and stuck it out with grooming as if it were my college. Losing that avenue did not deter me from chasing and establishing my passions for grooming and animals. I had no idea that it was my passion at first, but I am forever grateful that I never gave up.

When I entered my first salon job all of my colleagues were well-tenured groomers. I looked up to them, learned from them, applying many different mindsets to my work. They were also equestrians which made the severity of tongue and expectations increase drastically.

Being a bather was my college to the grooming industry for three entire years. I was an elite hourly associate. I reigned most of the daily profit, but I still wasn't making enough to support myself. It truly meant a lot to me having a few senior staff tip me out, even though it was only the kind individuals who really deserved the help for free. They made each and every one of my days? worth it. I strived to grow as a bather, I wanted to learn. I flourished in training because of my patience and caution. I took the beginning stages of grooming very seriously, the salon that molded me taught me to look out for those around me. I prefer solo work, I do best by myself. Regardless at the end of my days I made sure to check on my colleagues to help them develop in their services.

Grooming definitely isn?t easy, or worth it all of the time:

p>The ugly truth is, you can always be an animal advocate. Even outside of the grooming salon. This aspect of our field is so beautiful. Our options are limitless. Do you remember that endless ceiling I was discussing? Beyond the dreadful and tough back-to-back nail trims, taking phone calls, assisting and apprenticing nonstop, and printing paperwork. There are so many options outside of just grooming. Those days taught me balance and self-discipline. I pushed myself time and time again to explore other options and I found myself. I think the revelation of determining who I am, and where I want to be was the best thing grooming gifted to me. Friends, a beautiful grooming machine labeled The Paw Wash, my animals, and my gorgeous horses. I have been blessed with the loveliest clients, and the kindest furry friends, and even beat my cat allergy!

When I finally learned how to groom I really loved it. I was so excited that I ended up running late for my first class. Classic Perry move. All of my tools were hand-picked and ready to go. My grooming instructor was awesome. We really grew on each other and by the end of the course stretch, I was still asking her numerous questions and planning meetings for lunch. She was truly an inspiration and influence on me. Something she always used to say was ?They are looking prettttty cute!? I hear myself saying this to my staff, and I remember how it made me feel to hear it from her. It always just makes a groomer's day when they know they are doing a good job. Pep talking is something I have done to self-soothe throughout my career. As much as it feels good to receive validity from others, you must have confidence in yourself. Especially in your work. With every vast canvas we receive, all are beautiful at the end of the day because they are the earth's creature!

Once I really found my self-worth and value:

I took a break from grooming. I decided to be a barback in downtown Cleveland. Rad I know, not really. I?ve always been a random assertive person, you know kind of selective. We talked about finding ourselves, and I know the old saying, ?You don't know how much you love something until you?ve lost it.? Leaving grooming to explore other options just revitalized my love for animals. It hurt me to leave and lose clientele. People and dogs, I had seen and loved for what felt like eternity. I could not keep myself from them, as I have always been a performer. Speaking with my clients is my favorite set. Especially when I get to speak about my experiences with something I?m passionate about. There is no shutting me up. Rebuilding my clientele with my genuine love for animals and the charisma I got from my mother was such a win. I have always been confident on the outside, which I am in my work. That's where I feel most comfortable. My body is almost trained for this. I'm ready for anything, any opportunity. 

Animals have always been my joy. They are my will to live. I genuinely cannot imagine having still spaces surrounding me. Animals bring life, love, and warmth to our homes. They are truly essential to my well-being and everyone else's. If I don?t get to have my animal time, I am not myself. It feels like a piece of me is missing, or like I forgot something important back at home. It just doesn't feel right, uneasy. So I got my grooming tools and a suitcase, and I looked around for suitable grooming jobs in Cleveland. I still wasn't satisfied, because not everyone should run a salon. Especially if they don?t groom or have any past experience with it. So finally, I landed an opportunity to purchase a suburban self-service facility. After a lot of sleepless nights and month-long work days, I finally narrowed my team and collective mission into a successful pet salon. Seven long hard years of dedication. The Paw Wash is a strong and self-sufficient salon. We went from being open four days a week and only offering self-services to offering full-service grooming seven days a week. My groomers flourish in the environment, always working together to better each other like I taught them to. My career has consistently been based on establishing a foundational business close to home. Offering a surplus of opportunities for myself, my family, and my animals. If there is one thing I can say, it?s that I will make my dreams come true. Everyone nowadays wants to be a brand ambassador and I can definitely see why:

A.                 Recognition

B.                 Perks 

C.                 FOMO

All of those things don?t pay the big bills, right? The dogs in our salons do. So always remember to stick to your mission. Then, when you really are ready to fly from your own salon next to someone else's, you are covered. Being a tradeshow specialist isn?t the easiest job. Not only must you engage with groomers, but you also really have to be dedicated to the game. At the same time, you are building trust with the brand you are working for. That is why I just love BioGroom. Before I agreed to be their product specialist, I sampled a large variety of their inventory models of products. I spoke off and on about various insights in regard to the show auditors, other notorious groomers, product efficiency, and scents. Before that, I contested against other top groomers in the country where I was very challenged with media and persuasive writing and staging as well as speaking. You really have to throw yourself and your experience out there to be seen and the best way to do that isn?t on social media. It?s the confirmation ring.

Furthermore, allow me to dedicate this to my eternal friends Simba, Jade, Mufasa, Grey, Kee, Rou, Duchess, Weasel, and Pebo. You saved me.


Developing a connection with so many different individuals:

 From groomers to equestrians, horses, dogs, and cats has continuously allowed me to better myself in many aspects of my life. Each of these individual connections has given me the chance to create bits and pieces of the person I have always aspired to be. Even as a young groomer, I was always aware that you can learn and grow from relationships with things that aren't always people, just like my lovely clients. From the various breeds to the wide range of sizes, animals have taught me how to be accepting of the surplus of differences around me. 

Throughout all my hardships and struggles during the evolution of myself and my business, I have learned more about myself inside and out. Every single day blesses me with a new opportunity to continue and for that, I am forever grateful. With that being said, follow me on Instagram @thepawwash, and feel free to ask me any questions! Use code SPAW10 for 10% off on BioGroom's website. Thank you, Ryan?s Pet Supplies, for giving me the platform to speak not only about myself but my company as well.

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