Beat the Summer Heat: Tips to Keep Your Pet Happy & Healthy

Beat the Summer Heat: Tips to Keep Your Pet Happy & Healthy

Published July 6, 2023

As the temperature starts to rise, it's important to take steps to keep your pets cool and comfortable during the summer months. The heat can be particularly difficult for dogs, who can't sweat to regulate their body temperature like humans can. Summer can be a great time for pets and their owners to enjoy outdoor activities, but it can also be a time of extreme heat and discomfort for our furry friends. As pet owners, it's important to take steps to ensure that our pets stay cool and comfortable during the summer months. Here are some tips to help combat the summer heat and keep your pet happy and healthy.

Provide a Cool Place to Rest:

One of the easiest ways to help your dog stay cool during the summer months is to make sure they have access to plenty of water. Make sure your dog always has a fresh supply of water to drink and consider adding some ice cubes to their water dish to keep it cool throughout the day. You can also provide your dog with a cooling mat or bed to lie on, such as the Coolaroo pet bed from Ryan's Pet Supplies. These beds are made with a breathable mesh material that helps to keep your dog cool and comfortable even on the hottest days. The Coolaroo Bed is designed to keep pets cool by allowing air to circulate underneath them. This can be especially beneficial for dogs with thick fur that can trap heat and make them uncomfortable.

The Coolaroo Bed is available in a variety of sizes and colors, making it a great option for pets of all sizes and breeds. It's also easy to clean and durable, so it can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Grooming Matters:

As summer approaches, pet owners may be tempted to shave their dogs' fur short to help them stay cool in the heat. However, as a pet professional, it's important to advise against this practice. Dogs' fur serves a crucial purpose beyond just providing warmth in the winter - it also acts as insulation, helping to regulate their body temperature in hot weather by trapping cool air next to their skin. Shaving a dog's fur too short can do more harm than good, leaving them more susceptible to sunburn, heatstroke, and skin irritation. Additionally, certain breeds of dogs with double coats or thick fur, such as huskies or malamutes, should never be shaved as it can permanently damage their coat and prevent it from growing back properly. Instead, recommend other ways to keep dogs cool in the summer, such as providing plenty of shade, fresh water, and avoiding strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. Another great way to help your dog stay cool during the summer months is to keep them well-groomed. Dogs with long, thick matted or impacted fur can be particularly susceptible to heat exhaustion, so it's important to keep their hair trimmed and clean at a manageable length to manage length and protect their skin. This can be done by your favorite groomer with a pair of dog clippers specific to the coat type.

Protect Your Pet's Paws:

If you plan on spending time outside with your dog during the summer months, it's important to take steps to protect their paws from the hot pavement. The sun can quickly heat up pavement and asphalt, making it uncomfortable or even painful for your dog to walk on. One way to protect your dog's paws is to invest in a pair of dog boots, such as the ones available from Ryan's Pet Supplies. These boots are made with breathable materials that help to keep your dog's paws cool and comfortable, even on hot days. Ryan's Pet Supplies offers a variety of dog boots in different styles and sizes to fit your pet's needs. Some dog boots are designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and running, while others are designed for everyday wear. Regardless of the style you choose, dog boots can help keep your pet's paws cool and comfortable during the summer months.

Watch out for Fleas & Ticks:

Summer is a time when pets and their owners want to spend more time outside, but it is also the time when fleas and ticks are at their peak. Therefore, it is essential for pet owners to take precautions and protect their furry friends from these pesky parasites. Fleas and ticks are common parasites that can affect dogs and cats, and their bites can cause a range of health problems. Fleas are contracted through contact with infected animals or environments (indoor and outdoor) and can jump on a pet in a matter of seconds, while ticks are often found in wooded areas and can attach to pets during walks or outdoor playtime. Some common side effects of flea and tick bites include skin irritation, itching, and the possibility of secondary bacterial infections. Additionally, fleas can transmit tapeworms and other parasites, while ticks can carry serious diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Flea and tick allergies are also common among pets, which can result in more severe symptoms such as hair loss, hot spots, and skin infections. Ryan's Pet Supplies offers a wide range of products that pet professionals and pet owners can keep on hand for flea and tick protection during the summer months. These include flea and tick collars, spot-on treatments, shampoos, sprays, and even natural remedies too!


Use Home Hacks in an Emergency:

In the event of a power outage or other emergency, it's important to have a plan in place to keep your pet cool. Thankfully, there are also some home hacks that can help keep your pet cool without the need for electricity or special equipment.

One home hack is to freeze water in a plastic bottle and place it in your pet's bed or crate. This can help keep your pet cool by providing a source of cold air. If your dog is showing signs of heat exhaustion, such as excessive panting, lethargy, or vomiting, it's important to act quickly. Another home hack to use in an emergency is to apply a cold, wet towel to your dog's neck and armpits to help bring down their body temperature. You can also offer your dog ice cubes or frozen treats to help cool them down.

This can help cool your pet down by providing a source of evaporative cooling. Also, in the case of heat exhaustion, you can use a damp towel or a spray bottle to mist your pet's fur and cool them down.

It's important to remember that these home hacks should only be used in emergency situations and should not replace proper cooling methods such as air conditioning or a Coolaroo Bed.



There are plenty of ways to help your pets stay cool and comfortable during the summer months. By providing your dog with plenty of water, a cool place to rest, and protecting their paws, you can help them beat the heat and avoid heat exhaustion. By taking these simple steps, you can help ensure that your pets stay happy and healthy all summer long.


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