5 Tub Dog Tuesday Tips

5 Tub Dog Tuesday Tips

Published August 27, 2020

Kaylee Mae LaVae with a dog in the tubHey there everyone! My name is Kaylee. My husband and I were discussing tricks of the trade, with the number one priority being a good bath. Everyone loves a clean dog and since Tub Dog Tuesday is a big hit with groomers, I wanted to share some tips that I've found has aided me with dogs, old and young, in the tub. They may just aid you or a friend in a time of need. And as I have said, during this time of high stress in our society, a clean, snuggly puppy is what we all need! 

1) Prep work

Prep. Work. Think ahead, have you discussed what you needed to know from your client about your dog's spa day? Any shampoo issues? Do they need a conditioner or just a detangler spritz? Matting worked out? Health issues, like a possible seizure being set off by the water turning on? Being prepared means having the prep work done. Is the shampoo ready? Is the dog older, maybe requiring an anti fatigue, comfort mat placed underneath them, like a PawMat? Do you have your tools, towels, a lead, or a poop bag near? And don't forget to pee.

2) Potty Break

We all know that feeling of having to do the pee dance while rinsing the dog of their conditioner, well what about the dog? Don't forget to relieve that wiggly, happy puppy or the older dog with the weak hips. If you have access to a safe area, or you can try to remind your customers to give their dogs some relief time prior to the appointment. Are the dog's natural needs now met? And for every good puppy... They deserve.... 

Papillion in the grooming tub 3) Treats

As I've learned from working in this trade for ten years, treats can be a key trick. It unlocks the happy wiggles from a nervous puppy in the tub. Or perhaps it helps the unsure dog up the ramp into the tub. Or what about that screaming, squirming husky we've all bathed at one point? Slab of peanut butter on the muzzle and all you hear are happy licks. 

4) Play Time

I also use during bath time. Will the dog follow a ball up the ramp? Maybe play bite at the water a little bit? I don't think I can go a day without a dog rubbing and rolling around in the towels. Make this a fun time. Have them bring a favorite toy to help keep them happy. To keep them intrigued on why we are washing off the cow patty smell they rolled in, and that it is a good thing. 

5) Communication

I have to have this be the last tip, even though it was part of the first. But we start and end our sessions of spa times with these dogs letting their mom and dad, mom and mom, dad and dad, everyone, the uncle who dropped off, etc, know how the dog did during the bath and the results of the bath is the key to a successful, thorough groom. Plus a happy, clean and snuggle-able dog. 

Kaylee and a little yorkie in the grooming tub

Kaylee, thank you for sharing your #TubDogTuesday tips with us. Whether you are a seasoned groomer or just starting it out, it doesn?t hurt to reevaluate your bath tub routine.

Follow Kaylee on Instagram here.

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